Flex-E-sack LLC is a leading supplier of Bulk Bags and related products. As stocking distributors we make available to all bag users one of the largest selections of Bulk Bags, Sand Bags and Leno Mesh Bags in North America...all of these products are offered in many sizes and styles and colors!
Among our many suppliers are wholesalers and factories who only supply to trade resellers like Flex-E-sack. We have forged many relationships directly with only the best overseas factories. This is to say that Flex-E-sack has many quality suppliers of bags from around the world and these relationships allow us to bring to you the end user high quality bags that conform to the highest customer standards.
In fact all of our bags are produced to very exacting standards as set forth by FIBCA and the other related organizations for Sand Bags and Leno Mesh Bags. This means you can trust our bags! Including being pleasing to look at, our bags are free from defects and will perform correctly including having the highest levels of UV protectants anywhere.
In todays extremely busy world more and more of us have begun ordering products online which saves time...for many of our customers being able to order bulk bags online saves them time. All a customer has to do is choose the bag, choose the quantity they need and then click the order button and enter some basic info and their bags will arrive in a very fast time frame right to their doorstep.
We do have excellent customer service and enjoy answering customers questions and helping them with extra rush deliveries or helping them choose the right size bags for their needs...we also enjoy helping customers with custom sized bags or with custom bags that require specialty features.
We hope to have you join our family of customers soon...don't hesitate to call us to learn more about us and how we can help you!
Customer Service Toll Free # 866-631-BAGS (2247) 8am to 5pm M-F CDT